Andrew Blocki

Hello! I am a Software Engineer interested in Machine Learning and Full-Stack Web Development. In my spare time, I enjoy collecting vinyl records and watching sports. 

Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern

TD Ameritrade

05/2020 - 08/2020

At TD Ameritrade, I worked in an agile development team that developed an automated investment platform which helped clients achieve long-term portfolio growth. Throughout the internship, I developed new features on a React-Redux front-end interface and also performed security fixes to a Java backend of several Spring microservices.

Information Technology Intern

NLB Corporation

05/2019 - 08/2019

During my time at NLB Corporation, I refactored a library of SQL queries to an entirely new database schema, improving query response time by up to 80%. I also worked with the Quality Control department to automate their data processing by integrating JavaScript and Visual Basic into their Excel and PDF forms. 

Quality Control Technician

Tooling and Equipment Service Solutions


I worked for a contracting company in charge of building storage and workstation equipment for one of the largest Amazon fulfillment centers in the world. I performed several quality control checks on almost all of the workstations used for fulfillment, following precise specifications from Amazon. 


University of Michigan

B.S., Computer Science

09/2017 - 05/2021

GPA: 3.5/4.0

Completed Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Management Systems, Introduction to Machine Learning, Conversational AI, Applied Parallel Programming with GPUs, Introduction to Computer Organization

Winter 2021 Coursework: Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Programming Paradigms



Contact Info

Andrew Blocki
(248) 880-1361


In my free time, I love watching and betting on football and basketball. I have an ever-growing collection of vinyl records, and I also spend a lot of my time playing video games with my friends. I love working on projects that tie into my hobbies, such as to help gain an edge in sports betting or my Spotify playlist generator.